Interview with Roy Nicholas Haddad and Elie Sebaaly
At LSQ, brilliance does not go unnoticed! Our Grade 5 students, Roy Nicholas Haddad and Elie Sebaaly, were interviewed by Grade 10 student Kinda Farhat and the video was shot…
At LSQ, brilliance does not go unnoticed! Our Grade 5 students, Roy Nicholas Haddad and Elie Sebaaly, were interviewed by Grade 10 student Kinda Farhat and the video was shot…
نَظَّمَتْ مدرستُنا رحلةً مُثيرةً إلى عالمِ الألعابِ والتّسلية، فاصطحبَتْ طلاّبَ الصَّفّيْن السّابعِ والثّامنِ إلى مدينةِ المَلاهي “كويست” للاستمتاعِ بأوقاتِهم بِرِفْقَةِ زملائِهم ومعلّميهم، خارجَ نِطاقِ الدّرسِ والمُذاكرة. بدأتِ الرّحلةُ بِفَرَحٍ وتَفاؤل،…
The Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN) is a dynamic and student-led conference providing a platform for young minds to engage in insightful debates on global issues. In this edition,…
Les élèves d’EB4 ont récemment plongé dans des activités culturelles et ludiques pour découvrir le nouveau thème “Vivre en harmonie”. Avec enthousiasme, ils ont cherché à résoudre des énigmes et…
بِهَدفِ المقارنةِ والاستكشاف، قامَ طلاّبُ الصّفﱢ الثّامنِ، خلالَ حصصِ مادّةِ علم الأحياء “البيولوجيا”، بدراسةٍ استبيانيةٍ كانَتْ عبارةً عن مقارنةٍ توضّحُ أوجهَ التشابهِ في جداولِ اللّقاحات، بين الأطفالِ الذين وُلِدوا في…
En sciences, les EB4 ont découvert que les chats sont carnivores et ont analysé leur comportement de chasseurs. Comme extension de cette leçon, les élèves ont découvert que les chats…
Second-grade students had an enjoyable time exploring the human body and its parts. Through hands-on activities, they learned about the roles of different body parts. The nurse even led a…
KG2 students had a hands-on lesson exploring real plants and veggies. They observed and described different plant parts, learning how each part contributes to a plant’s life. This activity also…
In an exciting first-time visit to the lab, second-grade students embarked on a journey to explore the three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. Their focus was on identifying…