Length and Mass Measure Masters
Grade 5 students became masters of measurement as they brought items from home and selected objects within the classroom to measure. Using measuring tape and a digital scale, they recorded…
Grade 5 students became masters of measurement as they brought items from home and selected objects within the classroom to measure. Using measuring tape and a digital scale, they recorded…
Grade 4 students enjoyed a tasty learning experience, blending a pizza party with their fraction lesson. They explored various strategies to compare and order fractions, using slices of pizza to…
Students from grades EB1 to EB4 arrived at school adorned in costumes and armed with props depicting their beloved book characters, infusing the classrooms with the enchantment of storytelling. Each…
In this collaborative activity, Grade 3 students unleashed their creativity by crafting artistic drawings using vibrant tapes. They represented straight lines as segments and used rulers to measure and record…
In this activity, Grade 1 students teamed up with their teachers to measure their heights. Using ribbons and tape, they marked their individual heights in a designated area of the…
Pour apprendre la différence entre les dizaines et les unités, les EB1 se sont livrés à différentes activités pédagogiques dans le jardin de l’école. Ils ont développé leurs compétences en…
اِنطلاقًا مِن أسلوبٍ تَعليميﱟ مُبتكَرٍ ومُمْتع، أظْهَرَ أطفالُنا في الصّفﱢ الأوّلِ بَراعَتَهم في تَعَلُّمِ حَرفِ العَيْن، حيثُ بدأتِ الأيدي الصّغيرةُ خِلالَ حصّةِ اللّغةِ العربيّة، بِصناعةِ أشكالٍ مختلفةٍ من العَجينِ تَحتوي…
تألّقَ أطفالُ مدرستِنا- صفوف الرّوضات- في عُروضٍ مسرحيّةٍ مُمْتِعة، تحتَ عنوان “قيمةُ المشاركة”، أَظهروا من خلالِها مواهبَهم الإبداعيّة، وعَبّروا عن مشاعرِهم وأفكارِهم بِحَماسٍ لا يوصَف. تَمَّ تنظيمُ هذا النّشاط بالتّعاونِ…
في نشاطٍ مُشوّقٍ يَربطُ المفاهيمَ العلميّةَ بالحياةِ الواقعيّة، تحتَ عنوان”أختبرُ وأتعلّم”، قامَ تلامذةُ الصّفﱢ الثّاني باستكشافِ رِحلةِ الماء، فَعايَنوا في المختبرِ عَرضًا توضيحيًّا حولَ الموضوع، إذْ فَهِموا التَّحوّلاتِ الّتي تَمُرُّ…
World Read Aloud Day was extra special this year at LSQ because of all the wonderful mystery readers that read to our students. From parents to teachers to other students,…