Throughout November, various grade levels have been enjoying exciting off-campus adventures. The Grade 3 students embarked on a thrilling visit to Angry Birds Park on November 15 and 16, immersing themselves in the playful atmosphere. Grade 5 chose the adrenaline-pumping Rush Action Park for their outing on November 5 and 7, while Grade 6 explored the challenges at Doha Quest on November 13 and 14. Looking ahead, Grade 4 is eagerly anticipating their trip to Angry Birds Park scheduled for November 26, 27, and 28. These excursions have not only provided students with enjoyable experiences but have also been a delightful occasion for teachers and some dedicated parent volunteers to join in the fun!
تشجيع منتخب قطر
شاركَ طلاّبُ الصّفوفِ الثانويّةِ في القسميْن الفرنسيّ والإنكليزيّ في حضورِ مباراة كرة القدم، بين فريقيْ قطر والإمارات، حيثُ توجّهوا إلى الملعب بِهدفِ دَعم وتشجيع المنتخب القطريّ. وقد جاءتْ هذه المبادرة…