Gabriel Badawi – Pro du Karting
Écoutez l’interview de Gabriel Badawi – EB9 – qui partage son expérience du Karting ainsi que certains secrets pour débuter !
Écoutez l’interview de Gabriel Badawi – EB9 – qui partage son expérience du Karting ainsi que certains secrets pour débuter !
Nos enseignants ont eu l’opportunité d’assister à un atelier interactif animé par nos conseillères scolaires sur la promotion d’un comportement positif en classe. À travers des discussions enrichissantes et des…
انطلاقًا من الوحدةِ الدراسيّةِ الجديدة بعنوان “أرضُنا كنز”، قامَ تلامذةُ الصفّ الأوّل الابتدائيّ بنشاطٍ تفاعليّ يهدفُ إلى تعميقِ فهمِهم لفصولِ السّنة، وأهميّةِ المحافظة على البيئة. بدأ النّشاطُ بجولةٍ استكشافيّة في…
Pour clôturer leur thème, nos élèves en EB2 ont participé à un projet interdisciplinaire original et ludique : un marché pédagogique. Tout a commencé par une situation problème où un…
As part of our “One Planet for All” theme, our little learners got a special visit from the beekeeper! They discovered how bees grow in hives, make honey, and create…
Our KG2 students got a taste of what it’s like to work in a pizza shop during our “Roll, Bake, Slice: Pizzeria Fun” activities! Through dramatic play, they took on…
Grade 1 students celebrated the grand finale of their theme Let’s Explore Our World with a dazzling Red-Carpet Walk! Dressed with confidence and excitement, they proudly showcased the vocabulary they…
This month, our little musicians in the KG2/GS classes took on the task of creating their own musical instrument! They put their thinking caps together and all their crafting talents…
Grade 3 students explored the world of matter through hands-on lab activities, using real-life examples to understand scientific concepts. They examined mixtures, solutions, and various separation techniques, discovering how these…
Grade 2 students wrapped up their theme Let’s Explore Our Earth with hands-on learning! They explored greenhouses, discovered how plants grow, and even built their own mini greenhouses using various…