
هو شهر الخير والبركة، استقبلته المدرسة اللبنانيّة بطريقتها الخاصّة، حيث أحيى التلاميذ ما يُعرف بـ”سيبان رمضان”؛ فأحضر كلّ منهم ما اتُّفق عليه في كلّ صفّ من أكل وشرب، وتشاركوا ما…

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Forever Young!

“Only where children gather is there any real chance of fun.” — Mignon McLaughlin Our ES3 and G12 students attended some of the Nursery and kG1 classes, such as French, English, Arabic, and PE…

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“On cloud nine”, “Good things come to those who wait”, and “piece of cake” are but some of the idiomatic expressions that Grade 8 students learned to utilize in speaking…

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