Grade 1 Explore Groups of Animals
Grade 1 students embarked on an exciting journey to explore the diverse groups of animals, focusing on their unique physical structures and habitats. Through hands-on activities, they joyfully uncovered the…
Grade 1 students embarked on an exciting journey to explore the diverse groups of animals, focusing on their unique physical structures and habitats. Through hands-on activities, they joyfully uncovered the…
“Creativity is important for students because it gives them an outlet for expressing their ideas and putting a personal touch on their understanding of concepts. ” Technology’s role in advancing…
In this creative activity, Grade 1 students explored non-standard measurement tools like paper clips, pencils, and even body parts. They used these everyday objects to measure various items in their…
Venturing into the world of biology, students explored the complexities of the respiratory system in the captivating setting of the biology lab. Witnessing the dynamic flow of blood within the…
اِنطلاقًا من أهميّةِ القصّةِ ومَدى فَعاليّتِها في توسيعِ مداركِ الثّقافةِ والعقلِ لدى الطّفل، شَهِدَتْ مكتبةُ مدرستِنا يومًا مُميّزًا، حيثُ حَضَرَ الأهلُ والجدّاتُ لِيُشارِكوا أطفالَهم في صُفوفِ الحَلقةِ الدّراسيّة الأولى، لَحظاتٍ…
Suite à l’apprentissage sur le vaste règne des microorganismes, comprenant des souches pathogènes et bénéfiques, notamment dans notre alimentation, les élèves de la classe EB6 ont entrepris la fabrication de…
Grade 1 students shined brightly as they concluded their engaging theme, ‘Let’s be Curious.’ They explored the habitats of different animals, showcasing the incredible diversity of life on our planet…
Dans le cadre de l’activité sur le pain, les élèves de la classe EB4 ont exploré la composition des aliments, mettant en évidence la richesse en glucides des pains. Le…
EB4 students listened to a story told by their teacher and then got to have some creative fun by making potato head characters based on the story. They used different…
Après avoir exploré le chapitre sur l’air, les élèves de la classe EB3 ont plongé dans le monde fascinant des inventions techniques alimentées par l’air, telles que les avions, les…