EB7’s very own talented writer, Hadi Dabberni, has written a suspenseful and exciting story called “Project INFECTION”. Check out an excerpt below of this riveting tale that was inspired by trials and tribulations of COVID-19.
I entered the house with the policeman. I saw a tall and old woman with over 20 kids living with her. I was so confused; I think you are too. I realized the plan of this gangster. They send 5 different kids every day. The policeman got his gun and pointed at her. I was extremely frightened when he told me to search for what’s inside the house. I had to listen to him.
I saw 7 trapped kids with 4 other trapped adults. I cut the rope that was around them and set them free. In a different room, I saw a bunch of open boxes, full of phones. This is impossible! How would they get almost 200 phones so fast?! It’s definitely not only in this park, I think the same thing is happening in different places. The policeman called backup to arrest these criminals. When I went outside the house, I saw a black van. I looked from the driver’s seat window, and I saw a drop of blood on the steering wheel. Are they doing violence?
This is so strange and scary. Is my country in danger? When all kids and the female were arrested and the 7 kids and the 4 adults were back home, the van was taken for inspection, the policeman thanked me and told me that 14 he couldn’t believe that I did it. After calling my parents, I met them with the policeman.
– “Hello! He spoke. I am here to congratulate you for winning 50$ for calling the police and help us catch this group of gangsters!”Mom and dad were so proud of me that I got 10 days of free time. Isn’t that amazing? My country was safe, and almost no more robbing is going on.
Or so, I thought…