Red Carpet Walk
Grade 1 students celebrated the grand finale of their theme Let’s Explore Our World with a dazzling Red-Carpet Walk! Dressed with confidence and excitement, they proudly showcased the vocabulary they…
Grade 1 students celebrated the grand finale of their theme Let’s Explore Our World with a dazzling Red-Carpet Walk! Dressed with confidence and excitement, they proudly showcased the vocabulary they…
This month, our little musicians in the KG2/GS classes took on the task of creating their own musical instrument! They put their thinking caps together and all their crafting talents…
Grade 3 students explored the world of matter through hands-on lab activities, using real-life examples to understand scientific concepts. They examined mixtures, solutions, and various separation techniques, discovering how these…
Grade 2 students wrapped up their theme Let’s Explore Our Earth with hands-on learning! They explored greenhouses, discovered how plants grow, and even built their own mini greenhouses using various…
Les élèves d’EB6 ont plongé dans l’univers des fables à travers un parcours riche et interactif. Du contexte historique aux caractéristiques du genre, en passant par la découverte des auteurs…
Grade 4 students displayed great curiosity as they explored the different parts of a flower while learning about the reproduction of flowering plants. Through engaging hands-on activities, they carefully examined…
استمتعَ تلامذةُ الرّوضة الأولى برحلةٍ تعلّميّةٍ شيّقة إلى عالمِ الحيوانات، حيث تعرّفوا على بيئاتِها المتنوّعة، وأساليبَ تكيّفها مع محيطِها، وكيفيّة تعاونِها مع بعضِها البعض لضمانِ البقاء. لم يقتصرِ التّعلّم على…
Grade 3 kicked off their exciting theme Earth and Beyond with an interactive exploration! Through engaging activities and informative videos, they dove into fascinating topics like habitats, plant parts and…
During music class, Grade 4 and 5 students explored the percussion family by performing precise rhythms on a variety of percussion instruments. This interactive activity deepened their understanding of percussion…
Les élèves de EB2 ont exploré la musique d’une manière originale en utilisant des ustensiles de cuisine comme instruments de percussion. Ils ont joué un rythme en accompagnement d’une chanson…