Literacy Night
Our Literacy Night is always an incredible opportunity where students, parents, and teachers can bond over education. Throughout this evening, KG2 parents rotated around different stations with their children as…
Our Literacy Night is always an incredible opportunity where students, parents, and teachers can bond over education. Throughout this evening, KG2 parents rotated around different stations with their children as…
An orientation session was conducted for Grade 9 and EB9 students, serving as an insightful introduction to the International Baccalaureate (IB) system soon to be implemented at LSQ. The session…
EB2 students visited the MIA library for a special storytelling event. A talented storyteller from the library shared a captivating story with them. With exciting gestures and expressive voices, the…
World Read Aloud Day was extra special this year at LSQ because of all the wonderful mystery readers that read to our students. From parents to teachers to other students,…
نَظَّمَتْ مدرستُنا رحلةً مُثيرةً إلى عالمِ الألعابِ والتّسلية، فاصطحبَتْ طلاّبَ الصَّفّيْن السّابعِ والثّامنِ إلى مدينةِ المَلاهي “كويست” للاستمتاعِ بأوقاتِهم بِرِفْقَةِ زملائِهم ومعلّميهم، خارجَ نِطاقِ الدّرسِ والمُذاكرة. بدأتِ الرّحلةُ بِفَرَحٍ وتَفاؤل،…
The Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN) is a dynamic and student-led conference providing a platform for young minds to engage in insightful debates on global issues. In this edition,…
Our incredible LSQ staff and parents were invited to a comprehensive session on the potential authorization of the IB Diploma Programme (IB DP). This session provided attendees with a thorough…
تَمَّتْ دعوةُ بعضِ أولياءِ الأمورِ الأعزّاء، وعددٍ من مُوظفي المدرسة اللّبنانية وطلاّبِها، بِحضورِ أفرادٍ من مجلسِ الأُمَناء الكِرام، للمشاركةِ في اجتماعٍ استثنائيّ يَهدفُ إلى تَحديثِ رؤيةِ ورِسالةِ المدرسة. كانَ للحضورِ…
Family Literacy Night serves as an engaging school occasion where parents are welcomed to take part in their children’s educational involvement. This event offers parents a window into the classroom…
بكلﱢ فخرٍ واعتزاز، شاركَ تلامذةُ مدرستِنا من المرحلتيْن الأساسيّة والإعداديّة، في مسابقةِ القرآن الكريم السّنوية، التي تنظّمُها وزارةُ الأوقافِ والشّؤونِ الإسلاميّةِ بالتّعاونِ مع وزارةِ التّربية والتّعليم والتّعليم العالي في دولة…