Our seniors brought creativity to the forefront with their “Anything but a Backpack” day. From picnic baskets to rolling suitcases, students arrived on campus sporting an array of unconventional carriers for their school supplies. Some opted for quirky alternatives like laundry baskets or even mini shopping carts, while others embraced the challenge with handmade fabric totes or stylish messenger bags. The event not only showcased the seniors’ playful spirit but also fostered a sense of fellowship as they embarked on this memorable day together.
ذكرى الاستقلالِ في المدرسة اللبنانية
بروحٍ مِلْؤُها الأملُ والألَم، ورغمَ الأوضاعِ العَصيبةِ التي يَمُرُّ بها وطنُنا العزيز لبنان، أَحْيَتْ مدرستُنا ذِكرى الاستقلال، ذِكرى وطنيّة مميّزة لها طابعُها الخاصّ في قلوبِنا. بدأ اليومُ بدقيقةِ صَمْتٍ تكريمًا…