Our English Primary students went to Doha Quest and Rush Action Park. These parks offered a variety of activities aimed at providing a thrilling experience. Students burned off energy and worked on physical skills like balance, agility, and coordination. At the same time, students were able to blow off some steam and just have a great time with their friends. This gave students the break they needed, so they can excel at their schoolwork once they’re back!
ذكرى الاستقلالِ في المدرسة اللبنانية
بروحٍ مِلْؤُها الأملُ والألَم، ورغمَ الأوضاعِ العَصيبةِ التي يَمُرُّ بها وطنُنا العزيز لبنان، أَحْيَتْ مدرستُنا ذِكرى الاستقلال، ذِكرى وطنيّة مميّزة لها طابعُها الخاصّ في قلوبِنا. بدأ اليومُ بدقيقةِ صَمْتٍ تكريمًا…