About Us – Description
Arianne Sayegh – Co-Editor in Chief Hello there! I’m Arianne Sayegh and I’m in 11SE. My joy comes from meeting my friends and getting to do my hobbies, but most…
Arianne Sayegh – Co-Editor in Chief Hello there! I’m Arianne Sayegh and I’m in 11SE. My joy comes from meeting my friends and getting to do my hobbies, but most…
The first day of school, once a symbol of fresh starts and excitement, felt different for our seniors. Graduation, with all its thrilling promises of a wide-open future, loomed large…
في إطارِ مبادرةِ “أصيل” التي أطلقتْها وزارةُ التّربية والتّعليم والتّعليم العالي للمدارسِ ورياضِ الأطفال الخاصّة، قامَ طلاّبُ المرحلة المتوسّطة بمشروعٍ تحتَ عنوان “جذورُنا الوطنيّة”. تناولَ المشروعُ دراسةَ محطّاتٍ تاريخيّةٍ هامّة…
انطلقَ العامُ الدراسيُّ الجديد بأسبوعِ التوجيه والإعداد، حيثُ تمَّ خلالَه الترحيبُ بالأساتذة الجددِ الذين جالوا في المدرسة، وتعرّفوا على جميع جوانبِها وأنظمتِها وقوانينِها، إضافةً إلى تقديمِ شرحٍ وافٍ حَولَ بنودِ…
The session on “Introduction to the IB Diploma Programme: Understanding the IB Learner Profile” provided students with a comprehensive overview of the program’s core principles and expectations. Through interactive discussions…
LSQ hosted our very first Extracurricular Activities Night, inviting parents and children to explore the diverse range of activities available. The multipurpose hall was transformed into a bustling marketplace, where…
At the beginning of the school year, students across all department levels were introduced to their respective counselors during the “Meet the Counselor” event. As part of this initiative, the…
In this month’s spotlight, we are proud to feature Albert Dakhil from Grade 5F, who has been learning piano for the past five years. Watch the video below to see…