At LSQ, brilliance does not go unnoticed! Our Grade 5 students, Roy Nicholas Haddad and Elie Sebaaly, were interviewed by Grade 10 student Kinda Farhat and the video was shot and edited by Sara Al Said. These mathematical geniuses were handpicked by their teacher due to their incredible progress in Mathematics. In the video below, they discussed how they have begun producing resources for the school, their favorite hobbies, and their futures. We cannot wait to see what these stars will do next!
قِيَم وتَفاعُل
بِتألّقٍ وإبداع، قدّمَ تلامذةُ الصفّ الثّالث الأساسيّ- انكليزي، نشاطًا مميّزًا، حيث جسّدوا قيمَ المواطنِ الصّالح كالمسؤوليّة والمثابرةِ والاحترام في عرضٍ مسرحيّ رائع، مُسلّطين الضّوء على السّمات الأخلاقيّة الرّاقية التي يجب…