Choosing careers is an incredibly daunting task that every graduating student is plagued by. At LSQ, we try to ease this experience on them by organizing our annual university fair. Universities from inside and outside of Qatar alike gather in our Multipurpose Hall to promote their majors to our students, explain the application process, and even discuss potential scholarships. This event fared well with the seniors as they were able to get answers to many questions that they may have had!
ذكرى الاستقلالِ في المدرسة اللبنانية
بروحٍ مِلْؤُها الأملُ والألَم، ورغمَ الأوضاعِ العَصيبةِ التي يَمُرُّ بها وطنُنا العزيز لبنان، أَحْيَتْ مدرستُنا ذِكرى الاستقلال، ذِكرى وطنيّة مميّزة لها طابعُها الخاصّ في قلوبِنا. بدأ اليومُ بدقيقةِ صَمْتٍ تكريمًا…