Just like every year in February, our Preschool and Cycle I Departments celebrated the World Read Aloud Day. This effort is brought by a non-profit organization, Litworld, and sponsored by Scholastic, to raise awareness about the importance of literacy and reading through reading aloud. Our students enjoyed this day through its many activities; our preschoolers brought their favorite books from home, did a show-and-tell, and read stories in the playground with their Arabic teachers, dressed up as their favorite princesses. Likewise, our Cycle I students visited the library and read aloud their favorites books. They also read their home-brought stories outdoors, recited the Reading Pledge, and promised to become avid readers.
ذكرى الاستقلالِ في المدرسة اللبنانية
بروحٍ مِلْؤُها الأملُ والألَم، ورغمَ الأوضاعِ العَصيبةِ التي يَمُرُّ بها وطنُنا العزيز لبنان، أَحْيَتْ مدرستُنا ذِكرى الاستقلال، ذِكرى وطنيّة مميّزة لها طابعُها الخاصّ في قلوبِنا. بدأ اليومُ بدقيقةِ صَمْتٍ تكريمًا…