Mathletics Legend Certificates
Throughout the year, our dedicated students in Cycle I and II have shown exceptional perseverance and commitment to excel in Mathletics. They have spent countless hours solving problems, improving their…
Throughout the year, our dedicated students in Cycle I and II have shown exceptional perseverance and commitment to excel in Mathletics. They have spent countless hours solving problems, improving their…
What better way to teach students about self-expression other than acting! Our French Primary Drama Club gave us an insight into how our students can turn into terrific actors and…
The LSQ Primary department is always outdoing itself with some of our favorite activities. This year, they launched a Reading Club where students read and discussed different stories. Watch this…
Voici Sky, notre petite championne en EB2 qui se présente et nous montre son talent !
At LSQ, brilliance does not go unnoticed! Our Grade 5 students, Roy Nicholas Haddad and Elie Sebaaly, were interviewed by Grade 10 student Kinda Farhat and the video was shot…
Voici Anael, notre championne de gymnastique en EB4. Écoutez-la se présenter et regardez quelques extraits de ces exploits ! Nous sommes fiers de toi !
“Howdy” serves as the warm greeting exchanged between students and instructors at Texas A&M University. Known for its excellence in education, Texas A&M University at Qatar offers high-quality undergraduate and…
يسرُّنا أعزّاءَنا أن نقدّمَ لكم هذا الفيديو المميّز، لِمقابلةٍ أجرَتْها الطّالبتان ليان عبد الخالق وكارن شرف من الصّفّ الحادي عشر، مع أستاذ اللّغة العربيّة دافيد بعقليني، له كلّ التّقدير، وقد…