احتفالات عيد الاستقلال اللبنانيّ
على الرغم من البعد الجغرافيّ، يبقى لبنان في قلب كلّ مغترب عنه. وبمناسبة عيد الاستقلال، نظّمت المدرسة اللبنانيّة احتفالات شتّى، ثقافيّة واجتماعيّة وفنّيّة… فرأينا الوطن الأمّ ينبض في أحضان…
على الرغم من البعد الجغرافيّ، يبقى لبنان في قلب كلّ مغترب عنه. وبمناسبة عيد الاستقلال، نظّمت المدرسة اللبنانيّة احتفالات شتّى، ثقافيّة واجتماعيّة وفنّيّة… فرأينا الوطن الأمّ ينبض في أحضان…
This month’s Coffee with the Principal is deliciously aromatic! The English Primary had chosen to serve it, in-person, while discussing types, forms, and purposes of assessment, the revision week and…
Vous avez déjà entendu parler du Kamishibaï ? Il s’agit d’une technique de contage d’origine japonaise où, grâce à des dessins défilant derrière un théâtre en bois, on peut raconter…
Take 1/ Take 2/ Take 3/ Action! Can you believe it? Cycle 2 students are producers and directors?! To promote literacy and unlock students’ innovation and creativity, the English Primary…
Si vous êtes comme moi et que vous avez toujours eu quelques petites (grandes pour moi !) difficultés en maths, alors vous auriez sûrement adoré ce cours sur les parallélogrammes.…
When you talk about leadership skills, innovation, creativity, collaboration…, there is only one destination: Qatar Leadership Conference! On November 4-6, six of our G10 students took part in one of…
“Speech has power. Words do not fade. What starts out as a sound, ends in a deed.” -Abraham Joshua Herschel Two teams of 3 of our G10, 11, ES2 and…
November 4-6 marked the Georgetown Model United Nation conference that was hosted by Georgetown University, in-person, after holding it online for two consecutive years. Our students, diplomats, had represented countries,…
Trois de nos élèves du primaire français se sont illustrés ce mois-ci par leurs compétences sportives ! La rigueur de l’entrainement, la passion de leurs sports respectifs ont fini par…
Have you every gazed at the moon and wandered how much it would take you to reach it? Well, our Grades 12 and ES3 students can definitely help you! They…