Mathew Bou Antoun
Mathew Bou Antoun wanted to share with you his talent. Please keep reading to find out what it is and what he has to say about it. Q: Can you…
Mathew Bou Antoun wanted to share with you his talent. Please keep reading to find out what it is and what he has to say about it. Q: Can you…
The month of October marked the beginning of Qatar Debate League competitions for our middle and high schoolers. Our amazing debate teams, boys, and girls, competed against other teams from…
On Nov.3-5, our high school students couldn’t be more excited to take part in the Georgetown Model United Nations Fall Conference, as it offered them the opportunity to enhance their…
أقام تلامذة الصفّ العاشر خلال حصص اللغة العربيّة، أبحاثًا حول العصور الأدبيّة، من الجاهليّة إلى الحداثة، تناولوا فيها اللمحة التاريخيّة، فالبيئة الاجتماعيّة ثمّ البيئة الأدبيّة. قدّموا أوّلًا ورقة بحث، بعد…
بهدف تعزيز التعبير الشفويّ، لما فيه من دعم للثقافة وللمطالعة وللشخصيّة، يعرض كلّ يوم تلميذ من الصفّ العاشر، في بداية حصّة اللغة العربيّة، عن شيء قرأه أو حادثة لفتته، ويتشاركه…
“Because being a parent is your superpower!” The LSQ Counseling Department has launched the “Superpower Talks Series”, a collection of episodes that serves as a guide to parents in developing…
As LSQ celebrates this month the value of Pride and how a person should be proud of his own country and respect cultural diversity, the English Primary students made greeting…
The Ecology Club is a student-driven club, initiated by the English primary Department and Mrs. Nancy Bassil, to raise awareness about environmental issues and how to minimize the environmental damage…
Voici la vidéo de notre élève en EB5, Raphael Najm, qui nous parle de son talent en programmation, sur la plateforme Scratch. N’hésitez pas, si vous l’utilisez, à tester son…