Perla Bechara – EB8
There’s never a day that should go by where we don’t recognize the efforts our mothers put on the daily. Perla Bechara of EB8A wrote a beautiful poem where she…
There’s never a day that should go by where we don’t recognize the efforts our mothers put on the daily. Perla Bechara of EB8A wrote a beautiful poem where she…
Anthony fait du kickboxing depuis déjà deux ans. C’est un sport qu’il aime et apprécie et de ce fait il y excelle. Encouragé par son entraineur du club M Active,…
في إطارِ فعاليّةِ الأنشطة الثّقافية والفنّيّة، نظّمَ متحف الفنّ الإسلامي في دولة قطر نشاطًا فاعلاً تحت عنوان” برنامج سفير متحف الفنّ الإسلامي”، شاركَ فيه عددٌ كبيرٌ من المدارس. وكالعادة، كان…
Choosing careers is an incredibly daunting task that every graduating student is plagued by. At LSQ, we try to ease this experience on them by organizing our annual university fair.…
As part of the kindergarten adaptation process, KG1 students got to visit the library where they learned all about the library rules, listened to a story read by their teacher,…
The LSQ ProtectEd program aims to teach students about the various kinds of safety and how extremely important they tend to be. Supervised by Mrs. Nadine Ahmad and her teachers,…
Transportation vehicles can be dangerous if used without awareness of the protocols that ensure everyone’s safety. One of the pillars of our ProtectEd program is focusing on Bus Safety. The…
Le temps qui passe ou qui parait trop court, le temps qui nous échappe, qui file, mais qu’on ne voit pas, le temps, quel concept mystérieux mais qui n’a désormais…
More and more, we realize the importance of sustainability in our daily lives. This is why we try to incorporate it creatively in different subjects. In Second Grade Mathematics, students…
Tic Tac, Tic Tac, c’est le son que font les aiguilles d’une horloge. Une horloge ? Mais qui sait lire l’heure sur une horloge au temps des montres numériques ?…