Matter Wonders
The G1 classroom buzzed with the excitement of scientific discovery! The students’ mission was to unlock the secrets of matter! They transformed solid ice cubes into dancing water droplets, then…
The G1 classroom buzzed with the excitement of scientific discovery! The students’ mission was to unlock the secrets of matter! They transformed solid ice cubes into dancing water droplets, then…
La Semaine des Maths a été un véritable succès à l’école primaire ! Pendant cette période, les élèves de toutes les classes ont pu explorer les mathématiques de manière ludique…
Grade 1 students delved into the wonders of 2D shapes by merging them to craft colorful representations inspired by everyday life. This hands-on activity not only helped them understand basic…
اِنطلاقًا من محور”الإنسان والعلم، استعرضَ طلاّبُ الصّفﱢ الحادي عشر في نشاطِهم الأخير، مجموعةً متنوّعةً من الأبحاثِ العلميّة، حيثُ استكشفوا علاقةَ الإنسانِ بالعلمِ بطريقةٍ مُلهمة. بَرَعَ الطلاّبُ في إنتاجِ عروضٍ تقديميّةٍ…
KG1 students learned about the seasons through a fun planting activity! They planted seeds, then used their knowledge of what plants need to nurture their growth. By observing the plants,…
Le projet du journal de bord consacré aux paysages pittoresques préférés des élèves de la classe de seconde a été une expérience merveilleuse et inspirante. Chaque photo était une fenêtre…
To celebrate the end of their themes, students of grades 1& 2 brought their favorite seasons to life through the medium of hats. With deft hands and keen eyes, they…
Grade 2 students went on a fun trip around the world… but not literally! Instead, they picked countries they liked and became explorers! They read books, watched videos, and even…
In the wild world of ecosystems, G2 students learned that it’s all about survival of the fastest! Consumers race to catch their prey, while producers, like plants, make food from…
تَميّزَ تلامذةُ الصّفﱢ الثّالثِ الأساسيّ في نشاطِهم بعنوان”وصفة شهيّة”. فَبَعْدَ استيعابِهم للمفردات والأفعال المُختصّة بوَصفاتِ الطّعام، شاهدوا عمليّةَ إعدادِ إحدى الوَصْفاتِ الشّهيّةِ بأنفسِهم، حيثُ تفاعلَ الصّغارُ بحماسٍ وفضول، مُعاينينَ طريقةَ…