Our annual university fair was a raging success where the multipurpose hall was filled with eager students exploring their future academic paths. Universities from Qatar, Lebanon, and other places around the world set up booths, showcasing their unique programs and campuses. Students had the opportunity to speak directly with admissions officers, ask questions about specific courses, and learn about the vibrant student life offered at each institution. The fair was a valuable experience for students, providing them with the information and inspiration they needed to make informed decisions about their higher education.
ذكرى الاستقلالِ في المدرسة اللبنانية
بروحٍ مِلْؤُها الأملُ والألَم، ورغمَ الأوضاعِ العَصيبةِ التي يَمُرُّ بها وطنُنا العزيز لبنان، أَحْيَتْ مدرستُنا ذِكرى الاستقلال، ذِكرى وطنيّة مميّزة لها طابعُها الخاصّ في قلوبِنا. بدأ اليومُ بدقيقةِ صَمْتٍ تكريمًا…