Alone in the World by Carl Kiwan G7D

Carl Kiwan from Grade 7 presents us with yet another incredible story. Check it out below!

                                                        Alone in a New World

             I look down at the desolate world from my vantage point overlooking the horizon. This once flourishing and densely populated city were now in ruins. I roam the streets of the city which are covered in debris with my companion “dog” scouting for our next campsite. What’s left of the buildings are now covered in greenery. Wildlife has been running wild in the city since there are no more humans left to control them. “Who’s a good boy!” I said while feeding “dog” his food. There is never a moment of rest in this world with those sinister and unnerving creatures lurking in the shadows ready to pounce the moment you let your guard down. Before heading off to bed, I light a fire with some wood I found nearby. It is the only thing that can deter those creatures that I know of. I wake up in a puddle of my own sweat practically jumping up from my sleeping bag. Alarmed “dog” rushed over to me sensing my fear and while trying to comfort me licks my face. My nightmares have been becoming increasingly worse over the past couple of weeks. No matter how much I try I can never forget that day.

“You can’t do that!” A younger me shouted with desperation. “Years of work erased with a snap of the fingers” I exclaimed. “I’m sorry, but I simply cannot authorise this experiment. It is unpredictable whether this machine will succeed in proving your theory or malfunction causing unknown damages.” My boss explained trying to calm me down. I stormed out of his office furious at the outcome of the meeting. All I could think about is how all my work went down the drain, but I was not going to let that happen. Late at night I creeped my way to the building where the machine was located. I pulled my authorisation card from my pocket and used it to open the door. I was so close; everyone was going to know I was triumphant in my efforts to change the world for the better. My name was going to be on the title of magazines. I turned on the machine and with it a robot voice spoke from the speakers up above. “Initiating experiment ‘HARMONY’ in 3,2,” and before it could reach one everything became white, and the only thing I could hear was an intense ringing sound. I awoke sometime later and noticed a large hole in the concrete wall, and I walked through it. I roamed the streets looking for someone who could answer my many questions. No matter my valiant effort I could not find anyone it seemed as if I was the only human who dwelled this earth. I was truly alone and for what because I wanted fame and fortune. “Come on dog we have to get moving,” I said starting to get impatient. We began to roam the streets as always looking for another temporary living arrangement. However, something was off. There was a cold chill in the air and there was a feeling of being watched. It felt I was the prey to a predator lurking in the shadows waiting for a moment of vulnerability. The I realised what was happening, we were surrounded. The creatures crept out of the shadows revealing themselves. They looked like humans, but they felt otherwise. They were cold and distant from reality. Their faces covered in this sort of fungus that seemed to be commanding them like a hive mind. I knew what had to be done. I readied my weapon of choice for this encounter (an axe I found in an abandoned log cabin in the nearby woods) and rushed into battle. This could only end in one way victory or defeat.

“That’s the last of them “dog”,” I said triumphantly. We were both exhausted from that near death encounter and decided to set up camp in the nearby area. We sat around the campfire I had just constructed and ate our food. I devoured my portion of canned meat in an instant, usually it tasted kind of stale, but I was so hungry it felt like it had been prepared personally to me by a Michelin star chef. I then set up the tent and practically catapulted my sleeping bag into it. I climbed into it and in an instant, I passed out due to exhaustion. I awoke the next morning to a view of the beautiful horizon. I tried to stay as silent as possible as to not awake “dog” since he deserved his rest. I stared at the sunrise spellbound at the beauty of nature. I look around and notice something unusual about a building nearby. I would not like to admit it, but my curiosity took the better of me and climbed through the window and stumbled onto the floor. I searched the house for anything unusual, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The only room left to search was the basement, but I refrained from doing so as there might be creatures down there. I left the house to go back to the campsite to gather my weapon and my companion “dog”. We entered the house and opened the basement door, and I instinctively switched the light switch on even though the electricity had not been functional for a while but strangely enough the lights turned on. Now this was serious.

The only way the lights down here could have been functional was either a miracle or someone kept it functioning for all this time. I was spellbound, I thought to myself about how this must have been what the cavemen felt when they had discovered fire for the first time. I walked down the stairs each step marked by its own creaking sound. When I made it to the bottom of the stairs, I saw a little living room unlike any other that a have found. It felt like someone had been living in it rather recently. However, the strangest of all I saw a woman. We were clearly both shocked and all we did for the next couple of minutes was trying to access whether the situation was real or just a figment of one of our imaginations.” Hi, I’m Emma,” said the woman.

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