Carl Kiwan in Grade 7D wrote this incredible dystopian story! At LSQ, we are so proud of our creative students and their brilliant minds that are able to conjure up pretty much anything they set their minds too.
A meeting is taking place hidden from the eyes of the world. Deep underground Jake and Isophor have a meeting discussing the continuation of their plans to revolutionise this dystopian galaxy. “The Heathers must have their power taken from them by force. I will not hesitate to do so as they had done the same to my people,” exclaimed Isophor in an agitated tone as he clenched his fist in vexation. The meeting had suddenly become tense with this sudden, but not unexpected burst of rage. Jake and Isophor then sat in their base of operations in silence not knowing what to say until Jake explained in a low and calm voice as not to escalate the matter. “I know they took over your people and they did the same to mine, but that is no excuse to act rashly. If we plan our attack perfectly, we can catch the heathers off guard and dismantle their galactic empire.” Isophor, still winding down, nodded in agreement. Isophor’s species are much more susceptible to their emotions, so Jake had experienced situations like this before with Isophor and knew how to act if Isophor’s emotions took the better of him. Sometime later, the meeting had ended, and they both knew what was to come. It was a matter of time until they initiated operation, “HOPE”.
The day had come after what felt like a millennium of waiting phase 1 had begun. Jake and Isophor roamed the streets with their faces disguised as Heather higher ups. “Are you sure this is going to work?” asked Isophor expressing his concern over their disguises. Jake then reassured Isophor, “I’ve been monitoring the building for months and these people are the only two with access to the room where the main frame is located.” Mere minutes earlier they had cornered the two higher ups in the alleyway and temporarily knocked them out using halothane gas, and using technology designed by Jake temporarily switched bodies with the higher ups. Jake and Isophor then entered the building and immediately realised the reality of their situation. Months of meticulous research and planning all lead up to this moment. Jake looked over to the disguised Isophor and saw sweat drop down his face. He started to hyperventilate, and Jake started to notice him start to exhibit symptoms of his emotions starting to take the better of him. Jake then reminded him of the sheer importance of this mission and its impact on the galaxy. They then walked over to the elevator and patiently waited for its arrival. DING! The elevator doors opened revealing another heather higher up.” Hello, nice seeing you two here,” said the Heather higher up with a smile shining brightly on his face. Jake and Isophor, flustered, quickly entered the elevator. “He…llo,” said Jake scrambling to reply to the higher ups simple greeting. The elevator’s mood sunk as the elevator itself rose to the floor where the main frame was located. The tension rose at alarming rates. Isophor’s heart was practically beating out of his chest and Jake was staring daggers at the ceiling and avoiding all possible eye contact until they heard the much-awaited noise DING! The instant the elevator doors opened Jake and Isophor exited the elevator relieved at the outcome of the situation. They quickly reached for their access keycard and opened the doors to the room; inside what awaited them was the key to open the doors to freedom. “We change a one to a zero and we are done here. The economy has collapsed,” said Jake with a hint of optimism in his voice. They quickly made a getaway from the scene ecstatic at the possibility of success. Phase 1 had been completed successfully. The time was now to commence phase 2 “SYMBOL OF THE PEOPLE”.
“The economy has collapsed. The heather’s galaxy wide currency is now worth 0 of itself. The people and soldiers are rebelling against the heathers, but they need a leader to step up,” said the news reporter on the radio in a solemn tone. “This is where we step in and lead the revolutionary movement. It’s now or never,” said Jake trying to inspire Isophor. They continued their path to the military base the revolutionaries took over to guide their armies to victory. As they entered the base, they gathered everyone’s attention. Jake then spoke in a loud and commanding voice “I know why you are all here. To fight for freedom and for what’s right. But there is something bigger at stake. Your people and your families. Their hope is carried on your backs. You are the symbols of their hope!”. With that the troops’ morale raised ten-fold and they readied their weapons and started their vehicles. They charged into battle lead by Jake and Isophor. However, no battle was needed as the heather’s troops surrendered the instant, they saw the army comprised of roughly one hundred thousand men rushing toward them. One by one each of the heathers were arrested and their galaxy wide reign of tyranny had finally come to an end. Operation HOPE had been successful in its conquest to revolutionise the galaxy a new age of freedom was upon them.
Jake and Isophor after months of ceaseless and tiresome planning executed the plan to perfection. They were now the figureheads of the galaxy, and their first order of business would ironically be their last.” Our first order as the two consuls is to disband. Each planet will have a democratic system and will be ruled by their own people,” announced Jake and Isophor in unison. They then returned to their normal lives. However, the people across the galaxy will forever look upon them as symbols of hope.