Pollution: Is This What the World Has Come To?

By: Mayssam Sebaaly – Grade 8B

          It is unfortunate that one feels compelled to be raising awareness on taking great care of the planet in this day and age. With all the modern technology, curriculum development, and AI creations, it would only be expected of most of us to come to full realization of the world that surrounds us, right? Well, not true! Amidst all the development that the world of technology is offering, lies a void of what once was known as mother nature, astray and obliterated. It is a shame how most of the world has forgotten about it, our core, the source of our existence on this Earth! So, the questions here I ask myself are: Where is that small percentage of people who truly care about preserving the miracle of what we call our home, and what are they planning to do about its slow, yet substantial destruction?

I, Mayssam Sebaaly, Grade 8B student, have taken it upon myself to do something this year no matter how small it is! The first thing I did was teaming up with my classmates to save our mother Earth. Our project was our classroom! We started with the simple act of collecting bottle caps. However, as time progressed, we felt the urge to up our game, so we collected plastic bottles.  We hope that by the end of this academic school year, we would be able to recycle this great deal of waste and turn it into something better—something useful.  

Pollution is a serious matter that is consigning our Earth to oblivion. I invite anyone who may be reading this, or whoever happens to hear about it, to pass by my classroom, whenever time permits it, and throw his/her plastic bottles or bottle caps in the box labelled “8B” in front of my class.  It is about time that we start making some noise before we lose the blessing we call our home!

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